September 19, 2014

Resume tips for Administration Assistants!

6SinsIf you are in the midst of your job search you will know that a lot of companies are looking for administrative assistants. That’s really good news, but it also means that a lot of candidates will be applying and that means competition.

To put together a resume that stands out, keep the following in mind:

1. Make your opening strong. This will catch the Recruitment Consultants eye – What makes you unique? Include a short summary – something like “Experienced administration assistant who possesses strong Microsoft Office, organisational and communication skills.”

2. Demonstrate how you have added value. Recruitment Consultants are looking for candidates who take the initiative and can make a real impact within a business. Perhaps you successfully handled all administrative functions when a new company was starting up. Noting this will make an impression far better than the basic work history usually offered.

3. Put in keywords. Many Recruitment Consultants and companies scan resumes for specific words and phrases. Try to use some of the language that is in the job ad, as long as it accurately reflects your background. For example, if a Recruitment Consultant or employer is looking for someone who can handle multiple phone lines, you should use the wording “multiple phone lines” in your resume instead of saying you “answered phone calls.”

4. Show off your technical ability. Recruitment Consultants and hiring managers want to know how good a candidate’s technology skills are as these skills are so essential to administration roles. Consider including a special section listing all of the applications you know well.

5. Make it personal. What do you offer that fits the requirements in the ad? Don’t send out the same resume to every opening, like many other job seekers do. Customise yours to hone in on what’s requested for the specific job. As an example, highlight your PowerPoint expertise if you’ll be supporting executives who regularly give presentations, but highlight your Internet search skills for a job asking for that experience.

Keep in mind, though, that all of the resume tips I’ve given are useless if you send in a resume full of typos, formatting issues or grammatical errors. Accuracy is absolutely a requirement for administration assistants and if you can’t get it right on your resume, you won’t be in with a chance. Have friends and family review your resume to make sure it’s ready to go.

Good luck with your job search!!

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