September 10, 2014

Job Searching and LinkedIn

shutterstock_206703556What do Ebay, Google and Microsoft all have in common? They have all used LinkedIn to recruit candidates!

How Employers Use LinkedIn:

One LinkedIn member that I spoke to got headhunted less than 24 hours after putting up his profile. He was astounded at how quickly a Recruitment Consultant found him.

Another candidate I spoke to got his current job through LinkedIn. A Recruitment Consultant working for his now employer, searched LinkedIn’s database for candidates with appropriate skills and experience.  The Recruitment Consultant  discovered this candidate’s  profile, downloaded it, sent it to the appropriate manager, and then called him.   After a couple of telephone calls they scheduled an interview. After that, it was employment as usual.

Candidate’s are starting to realise that they can often get Recruitment Consultants from a variety of recruitment agencies, that have searched on Linkedin contacting them with new job opportunities.

Search LinkedIn

Take a few minutes to search LinkedIn and I know you will find a lot of contacts from your current and prior employers and clients. All of these people have the potential to help you grow your career.

Job Searching and LinkedIn

You can also search the Jobs section of LinkedIn by keyword, company name, job title and location or use the Advanced Search option to search by more specific criteria.

How to Use LinkedIn:

  1. Put together your Profile. Create a detailed profile, including employment (current and past), education, industry, and websites
  2. Put a Photo on your Profile.
  3. Keywords and Skills. Include all your resume keywords and skills in your profile, so you will be easy to find.
  4. Grow Your Network. Connect with other members and grow your network. The more connections you have, the more opportunities.
  5. Get Recommendations. Recommendations from people you have worked with are a great endorsement.
  6. Search Jobs. Use the job search section.
  7. Stay Connected. Use Linkedin Mobile to keep updated on the move.

Moral of the story: recruitment agencies love using databases to find their candidates. So get yourself onto as many databases as you can!

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