Are you seeking a career change?

Are you thinking about making a career change but can’t seem to take the necessary steps to make it happen? Does the thought of starting fresh in a new job and the thought of dealing with Recruitment Agencies overwhelm you? Sounds like fear may be holding you back from taking the leap. When making the […]

Recruiting administrators in NSW

Recruiting administrators in NSW is a tough gig. When even the most junior administration roles require qualifications and experience. It can be difficult to get your foot in the door. Recruiting Administrators? Here are some tips to increase your chances of getting noticed. Transferable experience is the key. Prospective employers and recruitment consultants want to […]

Tips on How to Be Found Easily on LinkedIn!

Recruitment Consultants often search the LinkedIn database for candidates that have specific qualifications and/or key words in their LinkedIn Profile. After searching these recruiters are given “search results” that include a Profile view for each candidate and as a job seeker, you ideally want to consistently show up in search results for candidates with your set […]

2016 – New Year – New Career!

The first few days of 2016 are already over and you can feel yourself dreading the daily grind of your job – infact you can barely deal with the fact that you have to go back. The other painful thing is that you won’t get a paid again until some far off date at the […]

Using Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn in your job search in Australia

Social media is becoming more and more of a vital tool in helping you job search. You really need to ensure that you are benefiting from the most popular social networking tools! Not only jobseekers but employers have begun to recognize the benefits of utilizing social media to find suitable candidates. Amongst other social media […]

How to be an Amazing Receptionist!

Receptionists carry out a variety of tasks within the office environment. Primarily they are normally responsible for greeting visitors and answering telephones, but they do many other things as well. The exact responsibilities within a receptionist job will vary depending on the type of business they are working within. Receptionists are, of course, the first […]

EA to Wherever you want….

Begin your career at a Junior Administration Level and see where it takes you… We all wish and dream of landing an amazing, high-paying job right out of school – not necessarily answering phones or scheduling meetings all day. But a lot of us start our careers at a junior administration – level, whether it’s as […]

What to avoid when negotiating your salary

Most of us do not change jobs often enough to hone our skills in terms of salary negotiations. Nor do we possess lots of experience when it comes to negotiating a better salary at our salary review time. As a result it is not uncommon for people to enter into negotiations on the basis of […]

The Six Interview Sins

OK., so you’ve got a pretty good idea of what to do before and during an interview, but do you know the sorts of things that you should definitely avoid? Often, inappropriate interview behaviours or responses can cost you the job even though you’ve done a good job in answering the questions. What follows are […]

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