August 7, 2020

Productivity Boost While Working From Home

With all the recent changes many people are now required to work from home. Those who are not used to working at home, may take some getting used to this new challenge. Especially if you don’t have a home office. Everybody is different. Some people work better in clutter while others can’t concentrate unless their workspace is tidy. There are some tips and tricks to help boost productivity and motivate you while you work at home.

Typical Day In The Office

It’s important to treat working from home as a typical day in the office. Making this mental association and doing all the things you would typically do will help maintain your focus. Be sure to set your alarm, make tea or coffee, put on nice clothes, set up a small workspace, and take regular breaks.

Structured Day

Structuring your day as you would in the physical workplace can help you stay on schedule throughout the course of the day. Also using scheduling software such as Asana or Meistertask can help you stay on task. Create a to-do list for the tasks you need to accomplish each day and check them off as you go. Make sure you start and finish on time for the day and don’t do extra work outside of those hours where possible. It can end up feeling like you’re working all the time if you don’t have set moments where you log off.

Clear Breaks

It can be easy to get distracted when working from home, however by setting clear and regular breaks will help boost your productivity. Take a walk around the block for fresh air, play with your children, sit down in another room for a cup of tea, etc.

Reduce Distractions Where Possible

Try to reduce the distractions around the home like having the TV on and other non-work related notifications during your office hours. Be realistic about your situation when measuring the amount of work, you can do while also balancing family life. When you work from home, there are high chances to receive chat and email notifications beyond your ‘official working hours.’

As a generalist recruitment agency, we have experience across the board! Head to our ‘jobs board to find your next career opportunity. While you’re there pay our ‘job seeker help center a visit for some more advice and tips. We also connect to job seekers and clients via our ‘Facebook page, give us a like to keep in touch with the most current job opportunities available.

The Recruitment Alternative operates Australia and New Zealand wide. Across Perth, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, etc. We can offer you affordable recruitment solutions at a low-cost price point that makes sense. If you would like to find out more about our services contact us today on 1300 548 546.

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