March 1, 2020

Perth: Interview Tips To Win The Job

From The Recruitment Alternative. Australia’s Affordable Recruitment Agency.

Are you in the process of job-seeking in Perth? If so, you would have noticed that is a lot of companies looking for Business Development Managers, Receptionists, Research and Development Leaders, Accountants, Warehouse Workers, etc. That’s really good news! However, it does also mean that a lot of candidates will be applying for the same jobs, which means competition.

Here are some Interview Tips from The Recruitment Alternative to be prepared for the competitive recruitment market:

Body Language

Communication experts tell us that only about 10% of our communication is represented by what we say. Another 30% is represented by our sounds and 60% by our body language!

Obviously, what you say at an interview will go a long way to securing you the job. However, how you say things also plays an extremely important role. In fact, some experts strongly contend that how you say things is more important. During your interview, be sure to:

  • Maintain a confident posture by sitting up straight and keep your hands relaxed in front of you (crossed arms projects being closed off)
  • Use natural hand gestures while speaking – when resting, face your palms up as it projects honesty and engagement
  • Nod your head while listening and maintain eye contact
  • Avoid fidgeting as it conveys nervousness and can seem unprofessional

Prepare Answers

Highly effective interviewees develop their skills through practice and preparation. One of the keys to success is to know what things to prepare before the interview. Failure to know what to focus on before the interview often leads to people preparing the wrong things. This can actually harm your performance.

The key to preparation is knowing that all employers want to know the following key things about you:

  • Do you have the skills, knowledge, and experience to do the job?
  • Are you the sort of person they can work with? In other words, what sort of person are you like at work?
  • What are your motivation levels like? What are your motivators and de-motivators?

Preparing answers to these three questions means that you will be able to answer virtually any question put to you! No more having to wade through hundreds of practice questions.

Demonstrate Your Research

Adding to being prepared to answer any question, in your preparation you should also research the company. Demonstrating at an interview that you’ve done a little research never fails to impress the interviewer. The rule of thumb is the higher the position you’re going for the more you should know about the company and the industry. Any questions you can ask about the company during the interview is also helpful and shows you are taking an interest in a potential future employer.

Things To Avoid

Important things to avoid during an interview are:

  • Arguing – avoid arguing even if you know you are right, you may want to demonstrate your knowledge by arguing your point. It only demonstrates that you are predisposed to arguing and can look unprofessional depending on the circumstances
  • Being negative about yourself – don’t put yourself down during interviews or downplay your abilities. Interviews are about selling yourself and highlighting your strengths and how you would be an asset to the business.
  • Don’t interrupt the interviewer or talk over them – we often hear that interviewers get frustrated when they are confronted with a talkative interviewee who interrupts or ‘waffles on’
  • Being fake – in an attempt to demonstrate being cheerful or have a pleasant disposition interviewee can amplify certain traits such as smiling excessively, laughing too much, nodding too much, etc.
  • Unprepared questions – some questions may come up organically during the course of the interview. At the end of the interview, you will often be asked if you have any questions, try to have some prepared in advance from your research of the company to avoid asking potentially embarrassing questions or asking too many questions

After The Interview

Highly successful job candidates are alert to the fact that an interview often does not finish when you walk out of the interview room. One of the things these candidates do is adhere to simple but important post-interview actions that often yield great results, such as:

  • Following up at least three days after the interview – you can thank them for their time, reiterate your enthusiasm for the role and open the line for communication should they require any further information
  • Contact references and let them know to expect a call – tell them about the job you have applied for, the company who will be calling, etc.

We wish you the best of luck for your next interview!

As a generalist recruitment agency, we have experience across the board! Head to our ‘jobs board to find your next career opportunity. While you’re there pay our ‘job seeker help center a visit for some more advice and tips. We also connect to job seekers and clients via our ‘Facebook page so head over and give us a like to keep in touch with the most current job opportunities available in Perth.

Another great thing about The Recruitment Alternative is that we operate Australia and New Zealand wide. So not only in Perth, but also Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, etc. We can offer you affordable recruitment solutions at a low-cost price point that makes sense. If you would like to find out more about our services contact us today on 1300 548 546.

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