June 7, 2018

Benefits of goal setting

Are you someone who regularly sets goals? Perhaps you’ve never given it much thought, or you might know and see the value in goal setting, but don’t actually schedule in the time to do it.  Setting both personal and professional goals is a great way to set you up for success in these areas and offer a number of benefits. If you are looking at making a significant career change from say administration to IT, or just looking for a new opportunity in a similar industry, setting goals can be a great way to get you to take action.

Let’s take a look at 3 key benefits of setting career goals:

Clear Focus and Intention

It’s one thing to have goals, but do you have them written somewhere where you can regularly revisit them? Having your goals written down and broken into small, short term ones and medium to long term, gives you something to focus on. When you can are clear about what you want, you become more focussed on achieving it.

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible” ~ Tony Robbins

Inspired Action

Having a clear vision and something tangible to work towards gives you the drive and motivation to take action towards making it happen. Let’s say you are looking for employment as a receptionist. You are unhappy in your current job and you want to transition into a new role. You are more likely to take steps towards this goal if you write it down and then break it down into small manageable tasks. It can be overwhelming to look for a new job but if you write down a list of things you need to do in order to make it happen, you can work through it step by step.

Aids Motivation

When you map out your goals and can visualise the end result, you will be more motivated to do the work. When setting your goals, ensure they follow the ‘SMART’ principle: that is, goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. If you follow this approach, it will help to combat overwhelm and keep you on task when you feel like giving up.

Remember to celebrate your wins along the way as you achieve each milestone and goal. As you write out your goals, think about how you will celebrate once you have achieved it. This will help keep you motivated and on path.

At The Recruitment Alternative, we offer Jobseekers valuable tools to support you on your employment journey. If your goal is to write or update your resume, or refresh your interview skills, we have some great resources on our website via our Job Seeker Help Centre. Come and take a look around: www.therecruitmentalternative.com.au/job-seekers

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