March 13, 2017

Attract & target talent through your brand

Is your SME is struggling to attract & target talent, you will need to think about its appeal to candidates. Including whether its employer brand is compelling to others.

attract & target talent

Your firm’s ‘brand’ is composed of the values that underpin your business’s culture and how it operates.

A powerful employer brand is therefore vital. And it isn’t just there to lure those who may have never heard of your company before. In fact , there may be many suitable potential employees among your long-time existing customers.

Why you should Attract and Target talent through your brand?

Here are a few reasons to create and maintain a strong employer brand.

Attract & Target talent – It attracts more candidates

So if you concentrate on your employer brand, you will be able to attract applicants to your future vacancies, website or online campaigns – and it doesn’t have to be too difficult. If applicants have heard good things about your firm or seen an advertisement online highlighting the benefits of working for your organisation, they are more likely to want to find out more. Start a Facebook page, update it often and create a buzz.

Attract & Target talent – It encourages referrals

An organisations brand is not only about how you market to and handle new candidates. It’s also about how you treat your current workforce, clients and customers. If your employees are happy in their roles at your company, they are more likely to say all of the right things about their brand to their friends, family and jobseekers. The opposite is also true, and they will likely discourage others from applying.

Attract & Target talent – It helps to find likeminded applicants

An organisations brand should demonstrate the values, ethos and culture behind your business – and by communicating the right messages about what your brand truly stands for, you will be able to better attract likeminded individuals.

By hiring people who understand and identify with your brand and see your vacant position as more than just a job, also truly believing in the importance of what your company does, you can improve retention and as a result, not have to spend so much time and money on continually hunting out new talent.

Younger employees are attracted to positions that offer a culture of continual growth and instant feedback. Sometimes even valuing these aspects of a role over salary. This age group are also particularly brand-conscious, developing an attractive brand image will encourage them to consider your organisation.

If you are looking to develop your firm’s employer brand, why not take advantage of the employer resources currently available through The Recruitment Alternatives webpage? As well as guides to executing a successful online recruitment campaign, our Recruitment Consultants can work alongside you to ensure that you find the right talent for your business.

In addition, the experienced recruitment consultants at The Recruitment Alternative can help guide you through this process.

So check out our Employee or Job Seeker page for more helpful advice or contact us today.

Call: 1300 548 546

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