April 17, 2015

6 Tips to Amp Up Your Job Search in Australia in 2015

impressionThe job market is more competitive than ever in 2015. With 6.1% of Australians unemployed, it is more important than ever to take a clear look at your job search strategy. Right now is the perfect time to develop an effective plan for success. How can you stand out from the competition and put yourself in the best position to find your next job?

Here are six tips to help you refresh and recharge your job search in 2015:

Don’t impersonate other candidates:
Job searches are incredibly personal and one-size-fits-all strategies won’t help you stand out in the crowd. Even though a particular interview skill or style was successful for someone else does not mean it is the best strategy for you. Look at your personal experience, your likes and your own career wishes and use them to position yourself as a standout candidate.

Look at job titles:
Be open-minded about your predetermined idea of job titles. Roles in finance or logistics for example, are often thought of as boring or not desirable. But the scope, strategic importance and long-term potential is often enormous in today’s job market.

First impressions count:
92% of employers check out social media in the hiring process, the content of your social media profile is often an employer’s first impression before you even get to interview.

Definitely job-proof your social media.  Use a picture that represents you as a professional. Don’t rely on privacy settings to keep your personal information safe. Assume everything will be seen by a potential employer, so clean up your content and edit your pictures. Ask yourself the age old question, “What would my mum think of this?”

Believe you will land the job:
Here’s one job seeker mistake that’s definitely worth ditching – the idea of an interview being just informational. Go into every interview prepared to get the job, not just learn more about the company. You only get one shot at your first interview, and this mistake will get you caught looking unprepared and unprofessional. Instead, always come ready for a formal interview; you will never regret being prepared.

Be strategic with social media:
Social media is a massive resource for job seekers. The amount of content and connections thrown at you every can be massive and waste a lot of time if you are not careful.

Be strategic with how you use social media to look for jobs. Check out where Recruiters and Employers in your desired industry spend their time. For example, if you are looking for a job in Finance, LinkedIn might be a better social media site to keep updated as opposed to, say, Twitter. If you want a job in media, on the other hand, Twitter is a fantastic resource. Be sure to follow pages of companies you want to work for and stay up to date on job openings and announcements.

Be authentic:
Be honest about what you can offer to a new employer. It’s tempting to apply for a more challenging and prestigious role, but make sure you have the skills and the commitment to be successful. Sometimes aiming high does work!  However, this becomes risky when you say you can reasonably deliver more than you are capable of.

Looking for a job can often be challenging and frustrating. Take into account these six tips can best position you for success in a competitive job market. Good luck and here’s to a successful 2015!

Good luck!

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